Re-think Retirement is an inspirational podcast for anyone in ‘unretirement’. If you are thinking about retiring, recently retired – or wanting to change direction later in your retirement, this is for you. On each podcast a guest shares their insights about this stage of life – honestly talking about some of the challenges but also giving you a vast range of ideas as to what you can do. Maybe taking your business skills to help charities tackle big issues; starting an art gallery; growing flowers for the wholesales market; a Michelin-starred chef starting an upmarket food wagon; mentoring younger generations or starting a business. Some people want to play with their grandchildren, play golf or turn their garden into a haven. This podcast is for those who feel that may not be enough and have an unsettling feeling that they want more after working full time. On Re-think Retirement, you will meet others like you. The hosts are Victoria Tomlinson, chief executive of Next-Up, and Trevor Hatton, Career Counsellor. They take you on a journey with their guests, sharing their own experiences and insights in the process. The Re-think Retirement podcast will help listeners have a positive view of life beyond your current career. You will be inspired by some of the amazing ideas that are possible – and have ideas about how to do them for yourself. And hopefully the tips you hear will help you avoid some of the pitfalls others have made!

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Jonathan built Straight plc to the UK’s leading supplier of recycling containers. He floated the company and then sold it – but what next? Listen to Jonathan’s extraordinary story – from trying to build a portfolio NED career to photographing vegans in Iceland (and turning the photos into a beautiful book) and becoming a TV presenter.

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Pierre Bosche, former Accenture partner, turned his lifelong passion for art and antiques into a business. Realising he wanted to engage more with his local community, he entered politics – with considerable success for a newcomer

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
First British female chef to be awarded a Michelin star, Frances Atkins on her latest venture and plans for the future – and why she thinks retirement is a bad idea

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
The shocks of unretirement hear from Rob Toguri, former EY partner
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Rob Toguri discusses how he loves working with social mobility charity, Envision and how his skills have really added value. The big shock was facing up to looking at finances with his wife, something he had never really done. And he shares tips for others going through this journey

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Unretirement - What is it? What can you do?
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Victoria Tomlinson and Trevor Hatton have helped hundreds of people to shape their unretirement – here they share their insights